394 research outputs found

    Managing immigrant construction workers in peninsular Malaysia: the economic perspective

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    The function of the construction industry in an economy has proven to be beneficial, especially during the economic downturn. The nature of the products of the construction industry makes it possible for the government to utilise the industry as a means to accelerate and multiply the economy by utilising the fiscal budget to build infrastructures. By so doing, the economy will be multiplied as the construction industry is an industry that produces investment goods. However, due to the nature of the Malaysian construction sector, the expenses required to stimulate the economy could not be made to the maximum extent, as the industry relies heavily on immigrant construction workers to address its labour supply problem. Immigrant construction workers are known for their high tendency to remit their salary to their country of their origin. This scenario disturbs the economic cycle within the Malaysian economy and, hence, dampens the function of the construction industry as the multiplier-accelerator provider. This research was undertaken to better manage the cash flow economic cycle leakage by adopting some economic measures coupled with improvised management of immigrant construction workers exercised through legislation. The adopted research methodology used transformative mixed-methods to balance the limitations of a single research approach. A literature review of the economic models and tools were conducted in a search for the most suitable measures, while attempting to understand the nature of construction industry by highlighting the structure and the problems associated with the industry. Special attention was also given to investigate the motivation behind the human migration to justify and support the research. Other than issues involving the use of immigrant workers, special attention was given to issues of remittances and its impacts on the global economy. The findings underpinned by literature and the research findings were used to develop the conceptual framework to manage the economic cycle leakage that is entrenched in the construction industry s economic cycle. The integrated framework consists of economic, management and legislation and was developed to address the issues highlighted. The use of economic tools can only be materialised through better management and the execution of legislation. The framework was encapsulated in a combination of process protocol and a maturity framework to allow time for the policy makers to implement it. Considerations have been made to develop the framework to ensure the smooth transition its implementation. The framework was self-validated through formative evaluations where data were attained from several parties to reduce any bias perspective. In addition, most of the measures suggested were derived from interviews conducted among the respondents. Several benefits of the framework were identified. It is concluded that the impact of immigrant construction workers employment can be managed by considering the appropriate tools in the form of economic, managerial and legislation measures. This research has developed an integrated process protocol maturity framework that addresses the three aforementioned aspects. The framework is simple and easily understandable with detailed activity zones that entail specific tasks that must implemented by different parties. The developed framework is expected to aid the authorities in managing immigrant construction in Malaysia and to effectively manage these workers. The framework also allows time for its implementation through the maturity stages suggested

    Training intermediaries on Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA), Liwonde, Machinga District, Malawi, 20-31 and 27-31 July 2015

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    Two Training of Trainers (ToT) events were conducted at Hippo View Lodge in Liwonde, Machinga District, 20-24 and 27-31 July 2015. The purpose was to build the capacity of the intermediaries in Balaka, Nsanje and Lilongwe Districts in Malawi to apply the Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA) to interpret and communicate climate service information with farmers. The PICSA approach aims to facilitate farmers to make informed decisions based on accurate, location specific climate and weather information; locally relevant crop, livestock and livelihood options; and participatory tools to aid decision making (Field Manual 2015). Seventy intermediaries from MoA, WFP, DCCMS, FRT, Malawi Red Cross and Concern Universal were trained in the two PICSA ToTs sessions. The training included resource allocation maps (RAM), seasonal calendars, calculation of probability planting dates using historical climate data (rainfall and temperature), cropping practices, livelihood and livestock options, and participatory budgets (PBs). The intermediaries had a one-day field practice where they facilitated the PICSA process with groups of farmers. During the field practice, intermediaries were able to successfully explain to farmers concepts related to climate variability and change and farmers were able to gain a better understanding on how the climate is changing. The participating farmers were able to calculate seasonal rainfall totals, probabilities associated with planting opportunities and season length; to identify different cropping practices, livelihood and livestock options; formulate participatory budgets; and factor this information into their season plans. Farmers and intermediaries found the field practice useful because they exchanged useful locally relevant climate information. It enabled DCCMS staff to gain a better understanding of farmers’ needs, and how to better translate and communicate difficult climate related concepts in a way that farmers could understand. They also encountered challenges, including difficulty understanding technical terms and interpreting historic climate date. Although the concept was challenging, the farmers grasped the methodology to calculate probabilities associated with information such as seasonal rainfall totals by end of the field practice

    Beam diagnostics for charge and position measurements in ELI-NP GBS

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    The advanced source of Gamma-ray photons to be built in Bucharest (Romania), as part of the ELI-NP European Research Infrastructure, will generate photons by Compton back-scattering in the collision between a multi-bunch electron beam and a high intensity recirculated laser pulse. An S-Band photoinjector and the following C-band Linac at a maximum energy of 720MeV, under construction by an European consortium (EurogammaS) led by INFN, will operate at 100Hz repetition rate with trains of 32 electron bunches, separated by 16ns and a 250pC nominal charge. The different BPMs and current transformers used to measure transverse beam position and charge along the LINAC are described. Design criteria, production status and bench test results of the charge and position pickups are reported in the paper, together with the related data acquisition systems

    The Effect of Different Woods on the Quality of Smoked Catfish (Cryptoterus Bicirchis)

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    This research was intended to evaluate the effect of different woods on the quality ofsmoked catfish (Cryptoterus bicirchis). The fish weigthing ± 40 gram/fish was taken from thefisherman in Rokan Hilir. The fish was eviscerated and hot-smoked in smoke kiln with kandiswood (Garcinia xanthochymus), simpur wood (Dillenia sulfruticosa) and laban wood (Vitexpinnata). Smoked catfish was evaluated for sensory quality, phenol, acidity and pH. The resultshowed that the of smoked catfish smoked with kandis wood was the best in quality. Phenol,acidity and Ph value for the smoked catfish smoked with kandis wood was 6,30%, 3,51% and6,27 respectively; simpur wood was 3,68%, 2,19% and 6,40 respectively; and laban wood was3,99%, 2,36% and 6,48 respectivel


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    Menurut Rencana Tata Ruang Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur, Danau Mooat merupakan kawasan suaka alam.  Kawasan suaka alam di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur adalah kawasan yang harus dilindungi dan di jaga keberadaannya oleh pihak – pihak terkait serta masyarakat yang tinggal atau bermukim dalam kawasan tersebut. Pemetaan lahan kritis pada kawasan Danau Mooat diperlukan untuk perencanaan penggunaan tata guna lahan dan pengelolaan Danau Mooat untuk menunjang kehidupan masyarakat dengan adanya identifikasi dan pemetaan ini dapat diketahui perubahan kondisi lahan dilihat dari lahan kritis yang terjadi di wilayah tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi sebaran lahan kritis pada kawasan Sekitar Danau Mooat dan menganalisis kondisi pemanfaatan ruang di Kawasan Sekitar Danau Mooat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, luas lahan kritis di Kawasan Danau Mooat adalah ± 6.454 Ha, dengan luas lahan kritis terbesar berada di Desa Tobongan dengan luas ± 3.413 Ha. dan paling rendah luasan lahan kritis adalah Desa Bongkudai Baru ± 332 Ha. Penggunaan lahan di kawasan Danau Mooat terdiri dari Perkebunan/Kebun, Danau/ Situ, Hutan Lahan Kering, Tegalan/Ladang, Permukiman dan Tempat Kegiatan, dan Semak Belukar. Penggunaan Lahan terbesar berada Hutan Lahan Kering dengan luas ± 4.836 Ha sedangkan yang paling terkecil yaitu penggunaan lahan Danau/Situ ± 37 Ha.Kata Kunci : Lahan Kritis, Danau Mooa

    Volatile anesthetic agent pollution in operating rooms in a large Roman hospital. A preliminary note

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    Gli autori riportano i risultati di un'indagine, effettuata in alcune sale operatorie di un nosocomio romano, per determinare le concentrazioni di agenti anestetici volatili e verificare la relazione tra i diversi sistemi di bonifica ambientale presenti ed il grado di inquinamento. Vengono discussi i risultati ed individuate le possibili soluzioni del problem

    COVID-19 and cities. From urban health strategies to the pandemic challenge. a decalogue of public health opportunities

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    Contesto e scopo del lavoro. La pandemia in corso di COVID-19, che al giorno d'oggi ha superato 2,5 milioni di infezioni notificate nel mondo e circa 200.000 morti, è un forte promemoria che l'urbanizzazione ha cambiato il modo in cui persone e comunità vivono, lavorano e interagiscono, ed è necessario rendere i sistemi e le capacità locali resilienti per prevenire la diffusione di malattie infettive. Come possiamo riprogettare il concetto di sanità pubblica in relazione all'ambiente costruito e alle città contemporanee? Metodi. Secondo le dichiarazioni e lo scenario precedenti, l'obiettivo di questo documento è integrare gli obiettivi strategici di Urban Health, concentrando le possibili risposte, sia immediate che a medio-lungo termine, agli attuali aspetti ambientali, sociali ed economici del "periodo" di distanziamento fisico. Risultati. Le azioni immediate sono 01. programmare la flessibilità degli orari delle città; 02. pianificare una rete di mobilità intelligente e sostenibile; 03. definire un piano di servizi di vicinato; 04. sviluppare una digitalizzazione del contesto urbano, promuovendo le comunità intelligenti; 05. ripensare l'accessibilità ai luoghi della cultura e del turismo. Le azioni a medio lungo termine sono 06. progettare la flessibilità interna degli spazi abitativi domestici; 07. ripensare le tipologie di edifici, favorendo la presenza di spazi semi-privati ​​o collettivi; 08. rinnovare la rete dei servizi di assistenza di base; 09. integrare i piani di emergenza ambientale esistenti, con quelli relativi alle emergenze sanitarie; 10. migliorare la consapevolezza delle parti interessate sui fattori che influenzano la salute pubblica nelle città. Conclusioni. Il decalogo delle opportunità di sanità pubblica può fornire una base utile per progettisti (architetti e urbanisti), responsabili politici, esperti di sanità pubblica e agenzie sanitarie locali, nel promuovere azioni e politiche volte a trasformare le nostre città in ambienti di vita più salutari e salutogenici.Background and aim of the work. The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19, which nowadays has exceeded 2.5 million notified infections in the world and about 200,000 deaths, is a strong reminder that urbanization has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and it’s necessary to make the systems and local capacities resilient to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. How we can re-design the concept of Public Health in relation to the built environment and the contemporary cities? Methods. According to the previous statements and scenario, aim of this paper is to integrate the Urban Health strategic objectives, focusing the possible responses, both immediate and medium-long term, to the current environmental, social, and economic aspects of the ‘period’ of physical distancing. Results.Immediate Actions are 01. program the flexibility of city schedules; 02. plan a smart and sustainable mobility network; 03. define a neighborhood services’ plan; 04. develop a digitization of the urban context, promoting the smart communities; 05. re-think the accessibility to the places of culture and tourism. Medium-long term Actions are 06. design the indoor flexibility of domestic living spaces; 07. re-think building typologies, fostering the presence of semi-private or collective spaces; 08. renovate the basic care services’ network; 09. integrate the existing environmental emergency plans, with those related to the health emergencies; 10. improve stakeholders’ awareness of the factors affecting Public Health in the cities. Conclusions. The Decalogue of Public Health opportunities may provide a useful basis for Designers (Architects and Urban Planners), Policy Makers, Public Health experts and Local Health Agencies, in promoting actions and policies aimed to transform our cities in healthier and Salutogenic living environments

    Defining Configurable Virtual Reality Templates for End Users

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    This paper proposes a solution for supporting end users in configuring Virtual Reality environments by exploiting reusable templates created by experts. We identify the roles participating in the environment development and the means for delegating part of the behaviour definition to the end users. We focus in particular on enabling end users to define the environment behaviour. The solution exploits a taxonomy defining common virtual objects having high-level actions for specifying event-condition-Action rules readable as natural language sentences. End users exploit such actions to define the environment behaviour. We report on a proof-of-concept implementation of the proposed approach, on its validation through two different case studies (virtual shop and museum), and on evaluating the approach with expert users
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